Sunday, 29 January 2012

Life Lessons From a Two Year Old

Well...yes, it has been a while.

The last couple of weeks have been, well, busy.  It is funny how my life has changed so quickly in such a short time.  In the last 4 years I have married, been diagnosed and suffered from a serious illness, built a new house, changed jobs and had two children.  With all of this, I am still amazed daily with things that come from my son's mouth.  The following comments and events have enlightened me to a new level, and all coming from someone who only learned to form thoughts and 'kind of' articulate them within the last year or so.  I would say that the week of -40 degree temperatures were especially special for my personal education in this area. No big deal.

1. Music can never be fast enough. 
Beckett: Mommy can you make the music faster? 
Me: You mean louder? 
Beckett: Yes louder.

2. Dancing is fun, any time of day....especially when the music is faster.

3. 2 year olds have a lot of energy....maybe my 2 year old more than others?!
Beckett: Mommy, I have too much energy!
Me: Oh really?
Beckett: Yeah, it comes from my elbow and it comes from my tummy.

4. Peanut butter and jam is an acceptable meal all three meals of the day.  Snacks are also acceptable all day long, and always from the cupboard.
Beckett:  Something from in here!

5. Naps? Who needs naps?  They are for people who don't have enough energy.
Me: I need a nap. [in bed while he is watching a movie]
Beckett: You're not allowed to nap. NO! [yanking on my arm]

6. Hockey in the basement
Beckett:  Play with me!
Me: score!
Beckett: [rolling on the ground screaming] You're not allowed to score, I was going to score.  Play with me!

7. Cartoons are acceptable 24/7.  Who gets tired of Treehouse?  Really, Toopy and Binou?  A giant mouse and small cat?

8. Tantrums work sometimes, usually at the end of the day when Mommy is tired.  Get er' done.

9. Hangin' in the crib is cool, again.

10. Beckett:  Mommy we are happy, right. [hugging me]
Me: Yes...we are happy.  [heart melting]

What a little personality!

Oh...and I get why a certain talk show host guilts her parents about only having photos with her older brother, and none of her alone. 

Word out.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

New Firsts

Well Hello Blog World,

With our new addition to the family, I thought that blogging our adventures would be a good way to record some a few friends have encouraged me :)  So, in starting to share the stories of my, Jimmy's, Beckett's and Tatum's life - I hope you find some pleasure in reading about the 'daily grind', frustrations, laughs, loves, and experiences.  If nothing else, you'll at least get an update of what's going on! 

Let this be my first - my first recording.  All four of us have had a lot of 'first' experiences in the last two months.  On November 28th, 2011 we welcomed Tatum Everleigh Sheasgreen - our first girl (and maybe be decided yet!).  She has been wonderful and is teaching us a great deal the second time around.  Beckett is adjusting - sorta.  He is a big brother for the first time and although he loves Tatum almost incessantly (can there be a first for 'too many kisses?'), he does also have his tantrums.  This was clearly demonstrated recently where I had to leave the grocery store because he was running from one end of the store to the other with us chasing while he laughed somewhat evily....and then there were tears and screaming.  As a result, Jimmy and I are certainly dealing with the 'terrible twos' and doing what we can to maintain the monster!  We had our first Christmas as a family of four, which was busy of course with spending time between the Kerel's and the Sheasgreen's.  We then had our first road trip shortly after Christmas to celebrate the marriage of our good friends Tara and Adam in Panorama on New Years Eve.  It was a blast, and an experience travelling with two children....but so worth it.  Beckett was the star of the dance floor and steals all the ladies' hearts with his mad dance skills (handed down from me of course!)

We will see what the future holds, and really, how I will survive the next 10 months off of work.  I love my family and look forward to many more firsts that will be.  The picture above was, really, the first candid family photo taken at the wedding ceremony and is sure to be one of my favourite memories.

Word out.
